Putting What
You Learned
Into Practice
Now that you have watched your communication
skills–building videos, you can print this worksheet to write
in the spaces below how you will use each skill during
your next visit.
Check your understanding by putting what the doctor said in your own words.
Ask for a clear explanation.
Prepare questions before the visit and be sure to ask them.
Take notes and summarize what you heard.
Tell the doctor about your values and preferences for care.
Share your perspective on your health problems and concerns.
Check that the doctor clearly understood the key things that you said.
Identify and talk about treatment and self-care challenges.
Brainstorm and problem-solve with the doctor to come up with a plan.
Ask follow-up questions about tests, medications, and lifestyle recommendations.
Set an agenda for the visit and decide what is most important for you to discuss.
Actively participate in treatment decisions.
Talk openly with the doctor about any concerns or worries.